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Way Out
#71 : And I'm already gone.
Saturday, June 30, 201212:38 AM

"Loved too hard..."

LOL. How long have I disappeared from this blogger world? Lolololol. I think the only thing I update everyday is my Twitter and Tumblr hahaha. Sorry for the neglect Blogger D:

(shall skip all details about the past few days because I've honestly nothing to say D:)

So today we celebrated YOUTH DAY! Hahahahaha, actually it's nothing much la, just glad that there's a break from all the hectic stuff >( Anyway, today is SJ day too! (: I didn't know until Monday ehehhehheh. Stayed up until 2+ the previous night to chiong the budget list because there was some miscommunication D: Was super tired! Wanted to wake up at 4AM to polish boots and prepare my uniform but I totally just switched off the alarm and went back to sleep ><" Woke up at 5:30AM and I realised that I was actually frigging late. Kinda rushed everything and didn't even polish my boots O_O Cab-ed to school because it was seriously too late to attempt the train ._____. Had to borrow money from my sister because I'm in short of cash desperately TT^TT Lol. Morning was totally random and stuff hahas. I was the timer for morning parade! :3 LOLOLOL. Quite freaky and stuff because you can hear your voice echoing and stuff (x Youth Day was pretty much fun! :D HEHE. Definitely lets Dunmanians take a breather ;) Hahahas.

After that was RT. Last RT with Standard Fours ); SO FAST!!! D: Anyway, the first part was the training with Standard Ones. I guess it was okay, considering it was our first time. Started off really awkward, then it felt more normal to take down. Overall I think it was pretty okay, definitely loads to improve on and maybe a little bit to be praised and a truckload of things to take note of ourselves. Was super tired after the entire thing and all I wanted to do was just to lie face flat on the netball court and just sleep there, toasting in the sun ): Then had SMC session! Read the post-it notes that we wrote "donkey years" ago and then did some letter writing hahas. I guess it had it's significance one way or another. Shall not elaborate on that. Then the instructors talked HAHA. Which was pretty brief and stuff (and I couldn't pay attention because Xiner was trying to tickle me with her socks WHUT) but I guess more will come during POP! xD Hahahas. Must remember to ask everyone to bring one box of tissue paper and install them everywhere around the school because you never really know when they'll cry (x

I am super tired. Like really, d-e-a-d.

I feel like slapping myself. I forgot to hand in 3D's LA homework. DAMMIT. And I can only hand it in on Tuesday!!! ><" Fag. Someone just shoot me please ):

Okay, shall not elaborate on stuff anymore. This is not the place to do so anyway.

Freaking addicted to food tumblr accounts. TROLOLOL.
