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Way Out
#60 : No, it's not alright.
Monday, April 30, 201211:19 PM

"If happy ever after did exist, I would still be holding you like this..."

HELLO. When was the last time I blogged? O_O I have no idea .__. Alright. Today's a Monday, and yeah surprisingly it didn't feel like a Monday. I don't know why. I'm just being weird.

>> Yesterday: Wasted the entire day practically >< Chiong-ed mugged Chemistry in the night until 1+ and then decided to wake up at 3 to study for Bio. In the end, plan failed because I was too drained and I was tossing and turning ._. Hence, didn't even touch Bio before actually going for exam. Crazy, I tell you. But that's just the way I am anyway -.-

>> Chemistry paper: Maybe it was due to the last minute mugging of the TYS (though TYS is pretty much noob-ish) but I didn't feel that oh-shit-what-is-this kind of feeling when I opened the paper. First time HAHA. 'Cause usually I just screw Chem up like some crap (refer to last year EOY paper and I believe I failed both Chemistry and Physics) but today, I still screwed up but lesser :D HAHAHA. Then after Chemistry paper was supposed to cram Bio with Geena but then we ended up having some illegal meeting with the rest at the staircase O_O Lol, random(: Sgt Jiaying was there too! But she just looked like some invigilator la please zzz ._.

>> Bio paper: SCREWED. The only word to describe it. My interest for Bio has decreased so so so much after taking this paper. Most questions were about enzymes and biological molecules, the two most hated topics of mine which also means the two topics which I touched the least. Not meaning that I touched the rest but hope you get what I'm trying to imply. Therefore, screwed it up TT^TT Flipped the paper like, so many times before finding a part of an entire question that can be attempted. Crapped out one essay question, left the other one entirely blank and the other last one was totally random from my memory D: Alright. Who cares. I'm supposed to be good in Bio because that's what my results showed, but HEH, since when was I good at anything? ==

After school, met up with the rest (again HAHA) and went off to have lunch. Geena and Laoying were spazzing about screwing up Bio WHY ARE YOU GUYS WEIRD while I was just too tired to care about anything actually. Maybe even hungry. Waited for Charlotte and Peiqi (though Charlotte went off in the end) lolololol, camping at the toilet BEST (Y)(Y)(Y) Ms Fang came and asked Geena and I why our ties were off and I swear she's frigging biased (; Ahahahas, she didn't even scold us okay! Lol, but I was kind of no relation to her 'cause she teach Peiqi + Geena + Laoying but she doesn't teach me but I guess she was nice to me because I was with them (x LOL, Ms Fang is epic please xD She's nice actually, when she doesn't catch people ><" Went to KFC hahahas and had lunch there(: Then took train to Tampines with the rest because Laoying wanted to go home and the other two wanted to eat yogurt roflmao. HAHA taaadaaa our yogurt! We shared it! <3 Home-d and then yeah, just random-ed around until dinner. Now, here.

Haven't actually start using my other tumblr account. Lol. Okay.

Mixed feeling about everything that took place in the last few weeks. Trying not to dwell on them but they are impossible to ignore. I knew they would come back and not give my mind a break but some part of me just want these things to come back to my mind because that's all I've really got. And when you're left with fragments of hope, you'll kinda do anything to hold on to them.

Okay, Wednesday = last paper! Hahahas, looking forward to it even though it's Math 2 paper DD: Suck at it ): Anyway, on Thursday there'll be comptrain again! :3 That means seeing Dactyl again ^^ Yay, can't wait! HAHAHA. Oooohlala.


Friday, April 27, 20121:21 AM

Hi Xiner.

#59 : Can't breathe.
1:08 AM


HAHA, if you have the time, please watch the video I made which is easily accessible (right up there! :D). Actually the video was only meant for Xiner, but since I'm lazy and I'm cool so I posted it here. Hahas, the story is lame okay 'cause I'm lame hahahahahaha. Bought the pink tortoise today with Xiner and the yellow one...I had it a long time ago already (x Yay.

So...have been neglecting this blog )): I'm sorry D:

Welcome Common Tests people! :3 Hahahas. I must say that the feel from Year 2 as compared to Year 3 is really different :X Like, more hiong now you know >< Quite sad 'cause I'm a slacker then...yeah >< Everyone all mugging! Had LA and HCL and Lit yesterday. Wasn't up to my expectations or anything and I frigging screwed Lit because I didn't put down any quotes at all! Not like I can remember though zzz. Today was Math paper and yeah...being Math, I screwed it as usual. I really hope I can at least pass :/ Sigh. Next Monday would be Chemistry and Biology! One subject that I love, and the other I hate D: Guess which is which lolololol.

Despite being in 3D (which is supposed to be a slacker class - well, we are slack), all the people inside are seriously zai okay. Like NINJAS. All secretly zai. Damn. Lololol. And as for NC, all of them are good in their studies. I'm probably the worst xD Even Geena is better la obviously. It was just a screw up in her Year 2 GPA nia. Lololol. Oh well, trying hard not to dwell on that -.-

Today after Math exam, was really...stone-ish (?) and so left with Xiner. 'Cause it was still kinda early, we went to Simei HAHAHAHA, and we bought the random tortoises (stupid Xiner!!!) and some snacks and drinks. Hence, BROKE. Xiner went to draw money wtf. And then we went to Tampines. She paid for my pencil case hahahahas and then she bought some badge -.- And we just keep walking around aimlessly. Lol. We were freaking gay. We were talking about how Staff Julius used to have that spring thing on his wallet. Does he still have it now? And that he would use it all the way until he goes into army. And he'll use it to hang his rifle to himself. Just that he has to be more careful, in case the enemy come then it gets stuck or tangled up or something trolololol. HEHEHEHE. Lol, went home, slept all the way 'til 7 thus the energetic me now :DD

Just a three texts long conversation with you made my day. 

Nothing much to say about the past few days. Basically just fail mugging and everything. I'm really ineffective and that has to change )));

^ That's Princess Jiaying and her prince :D

^ The artiste of the album is called "Keane" O_O

^ Hi Geena, my webcam is working now. Lol. This is for you.


#58 : I can't let you know.
Sunday, April 22, 20123:17 AM

I say that I'm honestly pooped for common tests because I JUST started studying for it and the progress is as slow as a snail == Or maybe even a snail is faster than the speed I'm going at ): oh crap. Okayy, day was uneventful. Went to the hospital to see kaofu.. Get well soon (: ! Hahas. Yup and then was home the entire time wasting my time reading stuff and draining the crap battery outta my phone == lololol, how no life. Kind of tired now since it's after three already but oh well, where did the time go anyway .____. Fish. Oh well. Things haven't been going well but I shall not elaborate because I'm in no right to. Sigh. Jiayou jiayou me me me. I can pull through all these -.- xoxo, meeeeeee :D

#57 : Saranghaeyo,
Thursday, April 19, 20121:24 AM

"This is crazy..."

HELLO. Lol, I'm just online for the sake of being online. Just realised that these few days I've been sleeping really early and that I always feel sleepy without fail so I was just trying to test out and see how long I can hold. Honestly, it's scientifically proven that the light rays that come from the computer and your phone keeps your brain awake ahahaha. #nowplaying Call Me Maybe (; Super gayyy.

Woke up, felt screwed and my mum made me go see a doctor after school which was crazy but I suspect I am falling sick O_O Lol. Was almost late for school. It's crazy man, insanity even. Later and later than ever. School was screwed... Three periods of HCL ._. Sian -.- Haish fell asleep. The whole day was literally me falling asleep ><

#nowplaying Just A Kiss -- I don't wanna mess this thing up, I don't wanna push too far.

(Myungsoo!) After school, stoned for frigging long to wait for Geena zzz and then after that went to eat. Me and my itchy fingers bought a marker for $1.95 and so now I'm only left with $2 for two days DD: GG-fied oh gawd. Haish sian I wanna cry le la .__. And then went to the piano to gay with Geena. We figured out half the chords and notes of "Sparks Fly" because we wanted to play it for SC but we gave up because his piano so zai and we're like...HAHAHAHA. Then gay-ed somemore and figured out the chords and notes of ONE THING <3 Ohemgee. Hahahas, took super long! :D Wanted to play for Sgt Jiaying but then she don't know where she flied to so we just stopped playing 8( And then we heard What Makes You Beautiful coming from the other piano and omg Dinuo was playing!! ><" HAHAHA, he was standing and playing because we took up two chairs opps D: So I went to send a chair to him HAHA and then when we were just leaving we made song request and asked him to play WMYB again (: And he said yes! :DDD YAY omgomgomg. We were highing there ahahahaha behind him lol spazzzzzzz 8) Lol. Omg, he was really not bad eh! (: Hahas, okay I'm inspired to learn that song soon! ((: YAY.

Comptrain itself was a total epic fail. Haish, kinda makes me feel like the old Dactyl is coming back despite all the changes and crap that happened...and mostly for Dactyl Std3s. I think we changed the most, from what I see. It's hard to go back and be retarded because we know that there are always more than one pair of eyes just waiting to pounce on us when we screw up and I think it's really hard. Anyway, case was epic as usual shall skip all the details xD Thanks Pengfei and Keane for coming down to help! Hahahs and sorry Pengfei about your phone! >< Omg.

I have no idea why but I suddenly thought back about the past and a lot of things just occurred to me. As in, when we began, I knew this was just a joke but who knew it took up so much of my time. 700+ days of you; that's more than 500 Days Of Summer literally. But...if I had a choice, I would really stop arguing with you and being a brat because I preferred it when we were better. No point thinking back now though ahahaha.

P.S. I certify that my webcam is destroyed.

Just hope then my heart will die on you soon.


#56 : 心很痛。
Monday, April 16, 201211:56 PM

"Someday, you'll regret letting me go..."

HAHA, okay I always find it amusing when I get time to blog. LOL, I have no idea why but yupp, it's pretty awesome (: Hahahas. I realised I haven't been stalking people's blogs recently O__O Okay that was seriously random ._. Whoopsie. Alrighty, so today is a Monday (still is, haven't reach 0000 yet ><) and it was really a #sianjipua day D: But nonetheless, still okay la... L.L I shall rate today a 4/10 and I might even fail it but now...I guess it doesn't make a difference.

>> LA Lecture: Started on Macbeth and omg, it's seriously frigging boring! Just by the sound of it D: *sigh*
>> Three periods of HCL (!!!!) : As usual I was like...spacing out D: OTL
>> Recess: I forgot what I did -.-
>> Chemistry: Mr Lim didn't come so it was replaced by some trainee teacher and she was super epic okay hahahaha, she had the forever blur look ohmytian so funny and cute tralalalala.
>> Biology: Replaced Math (THANK GOD!) and it was a pretty okay lesson. Started a bit on the circulatory system (I think my class is really slow) and then had to label the heart structure and mine became a teensy bit messy because yuppp, I was vandalising it as usual .__.
>> Lit: Wahseh. This one ah. Ms Sangeetha went through with us a bit of the history of Journey's End and I haven't even finish reading the book so I'm practically clueless :| Sian. And then she gave us a picture and made us come up with our own story thingo O__O And yeah, she said my story was not serious enough u_u As usual la, haiyo. So had to discuss again and then write out ):
>> Assembly/PC: Started planning for our Service Learning initiative thing and yay I'm doing posters because I'm a slacker and I don't want to plan activities or allocate manpower because I'm usually not logical at all. LOL. Our slogan for energy conservation is pretty cool: OFF OFF OFF, SAVE SAVE SAVE! ^^ Oh yayy.

After school had comptrain lol. Kind of regretted staying back but oh well, nothing to say. Dactyl was quite pathetic because only had Meihwa, Xiner and me TT^TT Soong was having AC comptrain trololol. Did a mini case or maybe that's all I saw because I decided to MIA for a short period of time. Then after that moved on to TOC *shrieks* Seriously, thank God that NC don't have to do TOC kekekeke if not I will surely die. So...JIAYOU AC and AA woah so zai sia! :3 TOC casualty is always the most scary role unless you land in good hands which is very rare. Was dropped a million times and was bouncing on the stretcher (it was deliberate D:) most of the time. SIGH. But all in all, at least it brought the mood up by a lot and I'm glad it did! :D Even though it was really scary lol but if it can make House Capt, Staff Diane, Sgt Weijian, Meihwa and Xiner so high, I'd gladly do it again <3

Okay tired. Shall turn in for the night soon ~ I guess my mood improved a lot <3 YAYYAYYAY.

Who can I trust?


#55 : Tired of holding on.
Sunday, April 15, 201212:36 AM

"You don't know you're beautiful..."

I'm actually really tired even though the day wasn't that eventful O_O Hahaha. Just reached home an hour ago ._. LOLOLOL. Whoosh, and now, I've decided to blog yay yay hahahas.

>> UG day! Freaking gay like mad. The whole day (for me) was sian because how cool can it get when after your 2.4km run you have to change back into the uniform? -.- Haish, was seriously dying of heat stroke man. Whoosh. It was the worst day (ever?) because lessons were super boring and I was fighting to keep my eyes open oh gawd. Then Math (last period!) I was really dead to the world. While trying out a question, I fell asleep half way with the pen in mid-air and Mr Wu came to rap on my table and I literally shot out from my seat. How cool == Ugh. UG day itself was boring *yawns* but I guess some parts were pretty well done and stuff hahas :DD Then had dinner there, so ate "supper" with my family. Lol. And then home-d(:

>> TODAY: Lol. Epic. Sleep was ruined by my mum's alarm and the alarm tone was called "screaming chicken" or something along that line so it was super annoying zzz. Stupid contact lenses today seriously trying to gl me ohemgee. It was like, moving around in my eye and refused to stay where the pupil was and when I tried to move it, it just stayed there so in the end I had to take it out and then put it back again and it was freaking painful omg. Haish. AFA and SNCO paper were like asdfghjkl so yeah -.- The rest were okay la. Haish. Then changed with Lau and then went for SE concert. Was raining but still had to walk. My shoes are dirty nowwww ))): SE concert was not bad (?) gah but some parts a bit boring. Nothing much to say as usual HAHA.

OH WOW, look at all the flying fucks I give -.-

Please. Just grow some balls and be honest with me. The world does not revolve around you okay -.- OH PLEASE. And I beg you, next time before you bitch about people, go do some soul-searching because sometimes (or all the time), it's just YOU and whatever "cool" imagination you have.

If I had a chance, I would take all the chances I've got and tell you things that I've kept in here for so long but the thing is that I get a lot of chances, and I don't know how to use them properly. Mostly, I just lack the courage.


#54 : Burn it.
Tuesday, April 10, 201212:11 AM

"Stand a little taller..."

FINALLY, I get to use the computer .__. I'm like, cut off from Blogger every time I don't get the computer D: Lol. Today is a monday and I think it turned out pretty okay? Better than most mondays anyway -.- HAHA. Oh well this is epic.

Lessons were like asdfghjkl boring -.- Had three periods of LA and then three periods of Chinese and I was starving :/ Did IDMI today for LA and hahahaha we were just fooling around can! Lololol especially En You and we were interviewing him about his height (x OH LOL SO MEAN xD Lol. Was trying not to fall asleep throughout Math (torture!) and then was ACE which was totally a waste of time -.- Clarissa and Bambby were super entertaining can! And have no idea why but 3D always get super high when lessons get boring so we started clapping and cheering for people who stood up to present O_O Lol. Epic. Assembly was pretty entertaining 'cause of the xiangsheng ((: IT WAS GOOD! Hahahaha. 

Mass dance for UG day was super epic okay! The attendance wasn't very good though ): Less than twenty people *hmph* but it was super fun! :DD The dance was the same as the year one dance so I guess there are pros and cons to this (x Lol. The dance was pathetically weird and funny! xDDDD Was gaying around with everyone and did the super exaggerated version of the dance and copied everyone AHAHAHAHA. Seriously, if you super care about your image or how you look when you dance it's like...no fun at all. Lol. How retarded (x Then after it all ended, ATTEMPTED to go for AC comptrain but some stuff cropped up so spent the one hour just sitting at a random spot with Geena, Peiqi, Chua, Laoying, Charlotte, Sgt Jiaying, Sgt Marilyn, Sgt Angelina and Staff Diane! <3 HAHAHA. Well, all of us were un-unsed anyway -.- Just sat there and talk. Then 158-ed home :D Hahahas. Made it home before Dad and Mum! VICTORY.

I WANT TO HELP AC BUT YOU DON'T LET US HELP WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM. You need the help but because of your pride you don't say. Fine, fine, fine. One day, everyone's gonna get tired with TRYING to help them because they never get appreciated anyway. And please la we don't go there to distract them okay. Not say we very pretty or what uh == CISH! 

Don't want to be an instructor fullstop because I think there is no need for me to go there and mess up everything exclamation mark and I am not good enough I have to continue striving for improvement comma I cannot lag behind exclamation mark x 999

Living in my own world because no one tries to knock on the door and see what's inside.

That's all, hope everything screwed will blow over soon! ):


# 53 : Thank You for the Cross.
Monday, April 9, 201212:09 AM

Hello all! I'm currently blogging via my phone which sucks ): Why isn't there a blogger app for android??? Haish. Anyway, today was basically going to church and then tuition. Church service was pretty awesome(: Someone came to share about his life and how he was a gangster and had drugs and how his whole life basically fell apart but with God's grace he made it in life when he thought he couldn't! AMEN PRAISE GOD! :D Really inspirational so yup(: Then went for tuition. Just realised that my chemistry is horrible like asdfghjkl omg and I honestly am worried about it TT^TT Math afterwards was epic like mad ahahaha. We were like slacking the entire session man OTL Was random-ing around with Annabel, Jingyi, Lydia and Trina OTL Super funny can! Then when shopshop and home-d lol. Basically a boring day because I have a boring life. Just finished my homework .___. But it's math so..... Hmm. Hope tomorrow would be a better day ): Nothing much to update about and I guess I will talk about Saturday or something when I have the time to? Besides blogging on phone isn't great at all. Yupyup. Kinda feel like abandoning blogger D: Sigh okay goodbye~

#52 : Call me maybe.
Thursday, April 5, 20121:10 AM

"With you..."

HELLOHELLOHELLO. Lol. Just finished the Training Report which was supposed to be due on 2359 of 4th April but there were asdfghjkl things to settle inside it so I was late D: Ohemgee, I'm so sorry to my group. Don't kill me okay ): Oh gawd. Oh well. Feeling really tired now, to the extent in which I have no idea what I'm typing. Maybe I'll go swallow another cup of peach tea later ><

Alrights, Four Schools Combined Athletics's Meet ._. Was raining in the morning like some crazy thing and so had to wait in the Indoor Sports Hall at Bedok Stadium for really really long. Was gaying with Geena 'cause she was the only girl with her class and plus, I couldn't find my class LOL. In the end, sat with her, Yongli and Cheryl Low and we gay-ed together until the rain stopped and we had to move to the actual stadium. The seats were pretty okay, didn't face the sun but omg the seats are super dirty! D: AHHH. When you use your tissue to wipe across right, the whole tissue paper is BROWN. Omg. And there's moss growing at the back of the chair DD: I was like "NUUUU I'm not gonna sit there!!!" So in the end the Chinese teacher gave me a piece of tissue for me to sit on (x HEHEHE. Oh yes, WELL DONE DUNMAN HIGH! It was really exciting omg! Hahahas (x Especially when Dunmanians over-take people or have a huge gap between the person behind them! #likeaboss omg. And the Staff Race! HAHAHA, Miss Fang running! And Mr Wu! Omg xDD And even though we got last for cheering, it was still super cool~ :D Lol. Yay. DUNMAN HIGH GO GO GO! Sadly, didn't get to do the Casuarina cheer!!

After sport's meet, went to E-hub with squad to catch Hunger Games~ <3 Ohmygosh it was super niceeeeeee, but the book is obviously so much more awesome. HAHA, they cut out so many parts! Was sitting between Woohian and Cheryl Lau and she and I were sharing sushi! Yay, Laoying powers uniteeee! <3 Hahahas. And Woohian was eating KFC inside #likeaboss and he found out that there was actually a table at the side so he could eat in peace. He said the show was boring so he fell asleep TWICE and Laoying and I were like, shaking him but he was dead to the world. WOW. Is that even possible? 

 And if you asked me if I loved him, I'd lie.

Fking sian sia, haven't even finish my Appointment form. Even though it doesn't really say anything. But yeah. Wtf. I don't even want to continue this anymore. Can't wait for POP. Come quickly and save me from this hellhole. Ohmygosh.

I really wish that some things weren't known because it makes it ever so hard to do anything around you now in fear that something might crop up and that we will never be the same again. I'm trying so hard to not care and treat you like you're invisible but it's just so hard and everything. It's not that I'm jealous or anything but I can't help but wish I was numb so that I cannot feel the crushing disappointment. I have no idea what's wrong with me, there's definitely something's wrong with me. WHY. Why does this have to happen now? This is horrible. Forever feeling stupid for doing all the wrong things in life. Doesn't matter now, does it.



#51 : I can't promise you something I won't.
Tuesday, April 3, 20121:15 AM

"Go ahead and slam the door 'cause you can't shut me out..."

WHEE, hahas, finally have the motivation to blog! :DD Looooool. I shall rate today a 9/10 ^^

>> Morning: Wasn't THAT awesome despite the rain (which was awesome for sleeping in!!) but after that the rain got annoying D: *sigh* Made my sister late for school = made me even later hahas. Reached class at 8:05 (hmm, 15 minutes late for school?) and I was wet ): Haish brrrrr today was super cold everywhere! And then had LA Lecture which was like mood-dappen-ing .__. Lol.

>> Lessons: SLEEPY!

>> After school: Had to stay back for 15 minutes after school because Mr Han said that our class was too dirty and we had to clean it up TT^TT Lol. Then went for Dactyl comptrain! :DD Hahas, today was spam basics so no cases just all the treatment and diagnosis. Shall not elaborate on the details. Had to listen to trauma package for 6 times OTL And all of them made the same mistakes trololol so cute. Alrights, I feel really proud of Dactyl because their diagnosis has improved even though there are more areas for improvement ^^ ! Yay! And then yup, they did footdrill and then TRIED to train Xiner's commanding. "Tried" because I'm terrible at commanding and I think I embarrassed myself just to help her command D: And she didn't even want to command!! >( *eeyer* I angry liao, make me shout for nothing )): Trololol. Then bus-ed home and luckily made it in time before my parents!

I cannot take it anymore. You have to stop it. You are driving me insane with every piece of you. I try to act normal with you but in actual fact you're putting me on cloud nine every single second. You should keep your awesome-ness to yourself. It's starting to get embarrassing for me ):

It has been weird not having NC comptrains .__. And yup, today AC had their first comptrain after zone and as usual Sir Kennard shoo-ed us away (don't expect us to come at your beak and call thank you) and I can't help but feel jealous that their comptrain has started D: It might be a dread for all of them to work as a team during CTs but OTL, do you actually know how much we love to do footdrill and cases because we know that we're doing it together. Oh rofl. If only we won, then we could have been the ones having CTs today alongside with you guys ):

Honestly hurt by you. I thought everything was alright. I felt so happy to be back to square one with you and in the end, it was just me and my naive thinking and you treating me like a joke. It ain't funny. I really thought you would be the same again but turns out that I made a wrong mistake to believe you. I AM SERIOUS. You should learn how to appreciate what I'm doing for you. Why do I always have to be the one thinking whether you mind my actions. It's just BASIC courtesy here but who are you to talk when you don't even know how to care for others? This world is like that; face it. It will never spin because of you. Never. FACE IT. Stop being selfish. Who needs to look at your attitude to live? Answer is: NO ONE ESPECIALLY NOT ME.

OH and thank you Xiner for the present! Unfortunately/fortunately I have not unwrapped it in fear of tearing the wrapping paper DDDD: LOL. Hahahas, thank youuuuu~ Yay.


Those who think they can bring me down (?) :

#50 : Don't.
Sunday, April 1, 201211:59 PM

Thank You God for everything that has happened today. I needed all of them. Thank You so so much. I promise I won't do anything stupid. Thank You.