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Way Out
I should have bought you flowers.
Friday, January 31, 201411:42 AM

"What about love..."

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR (: Hahahaha, even though this year's CNY is kind of lacking in the festive feels but I'm just glad we have a break and a legit excuse to sleep a lot and eat a lot. And wear nice clothes (((though I think this year's choice of clothes is a little weird /sobs/)))

Yesterday was a great half-day because even though there were lessons, it ended at 10:15 and it felt so good to finally do something other than studying. Seriously, it's been only a month into being in Senior High and all I feel is to study and not fail badly and nothing else every single day. Not funny at all. Had Loh Hei with 5C11 after class and it was just super epic because nobody knew what were the auspicious things to say before adding the ingredients so we just crapped out random stuff. And it was just so messy omg hahahaha (x But it was nice to do something as a class and I'm really grateful for our nice chair and vice-chair!!!

Wanted to go to Astons with Felly, Jamie, Yixin, Natasha, Jiaying and Jaslyn but then it wasn't open trololol. So we ended up at Subway. Saved money to eat nice atas food but I guess the bread from Subway was so good that I shall not complain :') I HAD EGG MAYO AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN FOREVER AND EVER. I really cannot stand it. The egg mayo is so good (and fattening). Anyway, finally managed to get out of school and eat with those people because I really missed them like crazy and being without them in school sucks big time. Even though it was just a short meal but it was still really great (: They're probably like the best people in my life right now.

Then went home to clean up the house round 2 and I was assigned toilet duty AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN FOREVER AND EVER and I swear I hate scrubbing the floor so so so much. My fingers donned on plasters today because of it I can't take it anymore TT^TT Anyway, tuanyuanfan was so fun with my family hahaha and the steamboat was so good (: It's quite sad that we've all grown up but rest assured that we'll always be kids because we still do all sorts of stupid things we did when we were younger. I think I've grown smarter in some ways but my cousin probably still thinks I'm stupid because just yesterday he tricked me to put my hand in the steamboat pot, and I did thinking it'd be burning hot, when he didn't even plug it in. Samuel 1, Cheryl 0.

You make me happy.

And yup, today is the day of visiting! And I'm resisting the urge to scroll through instagram because everyone's posting their selfies and ootds and they'll all look so good hahahahaha awww.
