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Way Out
The fact is, you make me feel a lot more than you know.
Friday, October 18, 20135:04 PM

"I don't know a perfect person. I only know flawed people who are still worth loving."

It has approximately been four hours since we were declared exam free 8) Normally I'd have a whole long list of things I want to do but somehow I've toned it down a lot this year and I just wanted to go home so badly after everything. Tired, I guess. Well, there are still some things left undone but I'm saving them when I have more time (: No point rushing yeah, we've got to make all these rare and hard-earned moments worth it (:

To be honest, there isn't a single paper that made me feel secure and safe. But I guess it wasn't THAT bad. Like, the experience was better than I imagined. As compared to CT2 which was a huge mess because I could literally feel the consequence of doing every question. But it's okay this time. It wasn't the best of the best. But like what I always say, 我不会后悔因为我知道我尽力了,即使给我多一天,我也不可能做得更好 so every single time you finish your paper and you go "damn, I should've studied this and that and stayed up because all that I didn't read came out" just tell yourself it sucks but the fact is you didn't study for that and until someone genius enough creates a time machine, just suck it up and accept the fact that it's over :B

Anyway, some things I've realised about myself through this period of time and I'm pretty amazed:
1. I can actually study. /can you hear the Heavens open and the angels singing at such a discovery/
2. I cannot study with music and I have to study somewhere with background noise.
3. Not everyone will motivate you to study.
4. Xiner and I cannot study together. We're too gay for serious stuff like studying.
5. When you have almost 20 topics of Biology to do, do start early and never think you can finish three topics properly and thoroughly in a day.
6. Motivation lasts for only a couple of hours then you need to start hunting for new motivations.
7. File your worksheets ages before study period.
8. People will jio you out to study but you have to weigh all the pros and cons of a person and the date and time and moment before agreeing.

If people always fall in love with the same kind of people, the mainstream kind of people, the jocks, the kind of people everyone thinks he/she's perfect and beautiful and lovely, the one everyone's after; then what's so special about it because everyone's doing and thinking and saying the same things. Wouldn't it be much more special and meaningful when people fall in love with someone whom everyone didn't think he/she would deserve this attention, simply because they were being who they wanted to be, and only we could see that little little little bright sparkle in their eyes which draws us so much closer than anyone would ever be.

Is it time for you to fulfil your promises because I've been waiting for so long and I'm getting tired. I'm hopeless but I'm hopeful and I definitely hope that you still remember everything you said.

There are the people who'd make use of you only when they need you and then throw you away once they get what they wanted. And you know these people are like toxic, because they make you feel so bad for yourself after you realise what they've done. But something, just something, gives you a glimmer of hope that maybe this time they'd be different. You get disappointed but then you remind yourself how it isn't their fault because you were the one with expectations. Hurts you every time, but you never found the courage to push them away.

Alright, that's all (: I'm thankful for all the help I've received during this arduous period and I hope I can return the favour anytime :D Honestly. Couldn't have done this without you guys. And of course, thankful for the four days break. Time to get more books and eat more ice-cream :3
