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Way Out
Enough self-respect to let the bad ones go.
Monday, October 28, 201311:06 PM

"I wanna love because you taught me to..."

I am very tired and very upset. Today just feels exceptionally long and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about such a day. 

Well, it's been another Go!sh session and well, it was okay I guess. I've pretty much decided what subject combination I'd take in Senior High and either way, you've got to take something, so no point spending too much time mulling over it. I think the worst part (y'know, the let-me-go-home-this-is-a-waste-of-time part) was the Teachers/Students panel. Don't get me wrong; I deeply appreciate everyone's efforts into making Go!sh a successful one, but really, some people sometimes are really.......let's just say, likes to jump head-first into firing questions without really thinking if it's practical to ask them or not. What really got on my nerves:
1. Asking stuff that have already been stated. Like, dude, were you sleeping your entire life. If I could get it, why couldn't you? 
2. ((popular question today)) Well, unless you're the exact same replica as all the previous batches, then you're pretty much never going to score the same things as them. And it isn't even about "getting a brief idea about how well a subject is doing" because maybe you could be that 1% out of the lucky 99% who get distinction, no?
3. Asking if something is difficult/easy. These people don't even know you, how are they going to tell you if something's easy or difficult.
Well you get the gist of it. I mean it isn't wrong to ask questions because some of the questions were pretty good I might say. But I just feel that we shouldn't ask for the sake of asking and instead really ponder upon our questions, and if they are legitimate questions before firing them at people like bullets.

And well, human interaction is really making me feel really tired. I wonder what it'd be like to just be stuck on a mountain with a library of books and then just a laptop and I don't have to deal with people face to face. I mean, dealing with them online is so much easier because when I get annoyed or tired I can always take a nap and then say "sflr" later. How nice it'd be when someone is being a total ass, and you could just roll out a mattress and mute them and then check out what they were saying later on. Or just totally pretend you didn't hear it at all. 

I don't understand how some people can be so insensitive and oblivious to the way they treat people and how people feel. And then get so sensitive only when it involves them directly. Please, do yourself (and me) a favour and open your eyes and look around. It really hurts to actually be involved in all of this.

Sunday was much better because I managed to catch up with Rachel over dinner and lots of walking, because we couldn't decide where to go and eat. And I finally managed to get my book from Kinokuniya (: Walkathon wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. So I guess Sunday was a pretty good day hahahaha.

Have I mentioned my obsession with people who have red hair and people who wear flowers in their hair. 

That was my day, and I'm feeling pretty tired. There's more to come tomorrow and I'm definitely not looking forward to any part of it ):
