And they loved happily ever after.
Tuesday, June 18, 20131:17 PM
"Let my heart speak louder than my head..."
Hahaha, doing last minute blogging before flying off to Australia (x I've met tons of awesome people on my last trip to Australia; but you can't deny the fact that if you're Asian, you'd probably be given THE attitude. Which I shall not elaborate on. There are nice Australians, and there are the not-so-nice ones. Just like how there are nice Singaporeans, and some super pathetic ones.
Speaking of which, I don't know how people from other countries view Singaporeans when we go over to their country or when they come over here. Basically, nothing's accurate, you wouldn't tell someone from a country you're currently in that their country sucks because who knows if you end up with a black eye. And people are nice with words, but what happens when they go back and tell their friends about their holiday, or when they go home from an encounter with us and then yeah. LOL. I don't know. Just feel that some people should take note of their actions, whether they're in their motherland or not.
Went to Geylang East Library yesterday with Jamie for CIP hahaha. It was just a very slack CIP though xD Hahaha. Just had to settle the administration part for the kids who came for story-telling (x I thought that kids nowadays wouldn't know much about such things called story-telling because their parents probably don't even do that for them at home, but surprisingly, there were quite a few kids (: And yay KIDS! Omg, so cute hahahahaha. I think the best part was when we just sat at the back and then we watched how they played. And there was this super cute guy who probably didn't know what actions he was supposed to do so he just copied everyone around him and just pranced around the room ahahaha (x Awww.
Finger Puppets Part One - 3 little pigs!! :D |
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Finger Puppets Part Two - look at the amazing dandelion looking hair :3 |
I guess it was a good day~ Haha came home to find my sister in front of the computer and doing her project and so I distracted her by making her watch B1A4 Hello Baby (I'm such a bad influence) LOLOL. Omg, I cannot, Gongchan and Jinyoung are like........... ^^ Hahahahahaha.
Alright, goodbye, need to do a last check of all my items and then go off to print my worksheets. DOING HOMEWORK IN THE PLANE EFF YEAH. -.- And goodbye ((: