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Way Out
Thursday, March 14, 201311:20 PM

"I'll make every second count when I'm with you..."

Day 12: Bullet your day.
What does this mean asdfghjklmnnbvcxz

Day 13: Somewhere you'd like to move or visit.
Well, I have been wanting to go to Canada to visit the Niagara Falls since primary school ahahaha, but too poor to do so. And I'm really really really missing the beautiful mountain that I once visited in Gold Coast called Mount Tambourine~ It's like a real getaway because you just drive away from the hustling and bustling at the city and then there's nature at it's purest form (: I don't mind moving to Taiwan hahaha because there's good food there but LANGUAGE BARRIER *___*

Day 14: Your earliest memory.
It's a fact that things that you claim to remember before a certain age are made up from what people tell you so I don't know how accurate I am u___u But I think my earliest memory was one where I probably rolled off my parents' bed when I was a kid and their bed was very high so it was quite painful and I hit the floor with literally a thud. LOL. Hmm. How true is this?

I am relieved that Term 1 is coming to an end tomorrow because I'm so tired. Well, still, no rest for the holidays because I need to make sure I'm in top form for Saturday. It's a make it or break it moment so no way am I going to let it slip through my fingers again .__.

Went to school today literally feeling like a zombie because I was trying very hard to finish my Romeo and Juliet context question and I kept getting stuck -.- It's like 3 marks and I can't write an answer as short as something I would write for a 1 mark question so I just kept thinking of ways to crap and stuff (x UGH. LOL. Super duper tired. Was trying very very hard to stay awake through classes especially HCL because my newspaper disappeared into thin air and so I didn't have anything to refer to O___O And I didn't bring my textbook == Pssssh. Yup. Drew an elephant, a sheep and a bee on my waterbottle~

During recess, we went down together as a class and I was really glad that the canteen was relatively empty since we were having a late recess :D Celebrated the birthdays of those born in January, February and March ^^ Charis is really like some spokesperson because she was doing this speech and wishing us luck for all the upcoming competitions, hope those going on CO trip would have a good one, celebrate the end of Term 1 and stuff 8) Hahaha. AWFULLY CHOCOLATE CAKE (Y) Three cakes, three flavours omnomnom * U *

Math was really a torture. What's the R formula. So difficult omggggg someone please save me!!!

Didn't have tuition today because my teacher cancelled on me so went for AA comptrain! Before that had lunch with my team and oh boy, when was the last time we ALL had lunch together TT^TT Sighpie. Then after that we went up and the guys were playing Scrabble again lololol. Did the video taking for SCs where we just had this 2 seconds of fame by saying "L-E-G-E-N-D" trolololol. AA comptrain seriously feels nostalgic even though it's been ages since it was like this and obviously we all feel differently about the things we're doing now. I really miss our cadet days. Why can't we stay like that forever and ever? This day is going to be so precious because we were what we once were and it's not every week that I get to see them train and it's just so poignant that I can't really handle it.

Who knew saying goodbye would be eternal?

Feeling very conflicted now. My warrior is leaving me when he promised we'll finish all these together. But now they're both going to leave me behind. Why.

It has never ever been about me. I was never your priority. I was never your choice. I was never anything worth remembering.

Alright, nothing much to do. Goodbye.
