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Way Out
So complicated.
Monday, February 4, 201312:38 AM

"Can I hold you just for today?"

Day 29: Write about any habits/mannerisms that you have.
Hmm I guess I have many habits, just that I don't notice them and I do them subconsciously (x Those that I notice would be things like, I only iron and put the buttons on for my uniform in the morning before school (HAHA), I have have have to wash my hands with soaps and do something close to the 7 step handwash and dry with NON-FLUFFY tissue paper before putting on my contact lenses, and I don't know anymore hahaha. Mannerisms wise...I don't know, I don't really take note of these 8)

Day 30: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I would be 21 so I would probably be celebrating my new found freedom or something xD Just kidding hahaha. I see myself living on my own and just being some stupid boring shit, living life with a boring routine TT^TT

LOL, goodbye January and hello February (: Can't believe it, time flies like some G6.

>> 2 Feb, Saturday: Went back to school for comptrain. I was in this really foul and grumpy mood because I was hell pissed with myself for being late but whatever, done bashing myself up already. Footdrill and then Home Nursing with Ma'am Yanqi (: Aw man, she's so nice :D Hahahaha. But I think she probably felt quite disappointed at the standards we gave her but she rated us a B- out of an A so I guess we have bungalows for improvement but at the same time not bad for the first time with a nurse (: Sighpie, jiayou NA, we will not let things like HN get us down!! Tomorrow would be HN again but looking forward to Tuesday! :D First-aid! 

Had this lecture by Sir Weichee which was kinda helpful to us especially now that we're adult teams so we need more knowledge and stuff. No more cadet team with common knowledge already please -.- And also since that NA is always so lazy to read the stuff that AA send to us trololol sorry!!! LOL, throughout the lecture, Peiqi had a Glasgow Coma Scale of like, 0 hahahahahaha. Less than the most jialat one ;)

After comptrain, had lunch at Pastamania with them! Finally we got to eat hao liao lolololol. Then went back to school the lazy way and THEY studied a bit and we went for CO concert (: Good job CO people! Hahaha.

>> 3 Feb, TODAY: Slept until 11+AM lol, finally my wish came true about sleeping like a pig 8D Went to eat brunch at The Coffee Daily yay yay yay (Y) Absolutely love the waffles there but I had to be more practical today so I had macaroni and cheese ;D WOOTS. After that went for Chem tuition .___. Sianjipua~

Today's tuanyuanfan was good (: Got to finally see my baby cousin (: Omg, she's so tiny!! * U * hahahahaha.

Alright, need to go. Long day tomorrow ==

I am trying to forget you.
