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Way Out
Lonely street.
Tuesday, October 9, 201211:46 AM

"Thinking all love does is break and burn and end..."

你好! 8) LOLOLOL. I'm slacking at home now O U O Supposed to be studying but okay I shall do that later teehee~ Thank God I don't take Physics so I get the day off today! :D Heehee. But being at home is boring. I woke up late today );

You must really mean something to me if I start shaking when you walk by me, and my heart beats so much faster than it should and all I wished for then was to have you chasing after me. 

I've taken you for granted because I thought you'd always be there. But how was I to know that your words didn't count and you would go back on everything you've promised? Sometimes I really want to make myself hate you for all the things you've made me believed and what you've turned me into. But sometimes I just want to sit somewhere quiet and just reminisce about things. I can't change the past and everything that has happened but I know you'd still be here, somehow

Unglam Namgrease ^^

Alright that's all I have here~ Time to watch Ranking King ;D HAHAHAHA OTL Was supposed to go to Leader Gyu's house to slack mugg today but oh well. Failed because I woke up late TT^TT HEEHEE. Byebye!

me (: