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Way Out
다들 미쳤다고해 그만 잊으라고해
Thursday, September 6, 201211:29 AM

"You're so hard to forget..."

HELLO hahaha, just finished my breakfast and I just wanted to update about yesterday bwahahaha (: Was too tired yesterday to even do anything and I just went home to plank on the bed .__. Haish. And I have loads of homework left undone ;/ This is bad.

Okay, so yesterday was the last comptrain on NC'12 TT^TT And I really mean the last. Even our mentors said "see you guys next year" ): And I wonder if they're going to be our mentors next year because they didn't exactly make it sound like we're parting but they said "see you around...in school" D: Aw man. If it really was the last training with them I'd bash myself up for not saying farewell properly ): Anyway, moving on, last training of NC'12 equals to moving on to NA'13 (: Seeing the new NC and AC training seems so weird because I've never been to a comptrial. So I actually get to see how they trained then and stuff and it's like there are so many of them but in the end only 5 of them would get chosen. Haiyoo, see why this is a bad thing? But it's the learning process that is fun yeah :D

Anyway, comptrain was just like any other comptrain 8) Reached at about 7:50AM and the rest were already there. Charlotte was doing her Chinese homework, Lau was standing there (why were you standing there anyway when you could sit O_O), Geena and Peiqi were doing their stunts (please be careful tsk) and Soong was watching videos haha. Mentors still weren't here yet so we went to do drills :3 YAY. Quite okay la, but as always, there's still room for improvement! Or like what our mentors say, bungalows for improvement. Mentors came half-way to watch a bit and then when we finished, we went to do home nursing xD Poooft. Learnt how to dressing of simple wounds and fml man, I want to cry already. So many procedures to memorize .__. Then we did a case to practice our DSW and we took 32 minutes WOW WOW WOW -.- Hahas, more than two times of the given time! .__." Oh well. Hahas, then after that we did another case, but this time it was Geena + Lau who did DSW and our casualty was Soong who was supposedly obese. In order to let Peiqi and me to change bedsheets we just "threw" him on the floor because he was too heavy to be actually lifted onto a chair .___. Sorry Soong trolololol. 

CASE (Y)(Y)(Y) CPR dummy was some crazy heavy thing OTL hahaha. Case was okay la, first case I think it was quite good (: Even though it was simple but we took about 12 minutes which means there is still bungalows/terraces/kingdoms/mansions for improvement. And then next case was guailan case -.- HAHA. Only three people were allowed to enter the "room" and so #1 had to stay outside the room. Also, the three people who went in were blindfolded == Hahahahaha some epic la please (x Haish. Then moved area because we were too noisy and then we did right next to where (future) NC was training (: They said our march-in very zai HAHAHAHAHAHA. Okay thank you. The case was quite simple too (: Then moved place again (==) into classroom. LOL. Case was supposedly that we were in a zoo and all the animals escaped hahahaha wts. YUPP. That's all for our comptrain! ): Can't believe there won't be any more until next year D: Our standards confirm drop until like some...................... u__u Ah well. 

After that, chionged home to bathe and change and have lunch before meeting the rest of my dodobirds.

Met at Nex at 4:00PM (: Felt weird to be eating dinner with them even though I had my lunch like, half an hour ago hahaha (x Went to Pastamania for dinner! (: I was seriously some noob (/ /^/ /) I've only been to pastamania like...twice, so I didn't know how Pastamania actually works :X Hahahas okay sorry, Lau called me a suaku TT^TT 
Say hello to my spaghetti! 8)))
I ate the slowest because I had trouble twirling my noodles into my spoon. Mianhae. HAHA. They embarrassed me in Pastamania by singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY super duper loudly and plus the restaurant was relatively quiet at the point in time .__. AH. Hahas, then they give me my present (with the price tag on ;D) and yay yay I have a gay pink earpiece now (: Turns out that they actually reached Nex at like 3:30 to shop for present hahahaha. OKAYCAN. Lololol then they paid Charlotte back the money in front of me (make me feel guilty de right xD) lolololol. And we just spent the rest of our time stoning there and eating hahaha and crapping. Watched a coooooool video ;)

Then after that we had some trouble deciding whether to have Sogurt or Gongcha trolololol. Yeah, but we decided on Sogurt yeah ((: Hahahas.. Geena 没有钱!! Hahahaha. Haiyo. 
Wahseh, Peiqi's photography skills 8)
Lau's and mine (:

Then we just sat outside and crapped hahaha. Shall spare you guys the details of all our conversations hahaha. And then we took a photo! Which is our current Whatsapp group chat dp *YAY* and now the dp of my unglam is gone (/ /U/ /) But the photo is still unglam so I shall not upload it here (: Hahahas. Yay, what an awesome day (: It'd have been much more fun if Lau didn't have to reach home by 6:30PM ): But it's okay! (: Yayyyy hahahahahaha. #awesome

Let's make them regret not believing in us.

Alrighty, that's about it (: 

Shall upload this here since I never got a chance to send it to AC during their training days and since I found it a moment ago. Basically Sir Kennard wanted me to take this video for them because AC's bandaging skills sucked like crap (IN THE PAST) and then he made AA bandage for them to see (shall upload AC's bandaging next post HAHA):

Hahahas, okay guys enjoy what's left of your holidays DD: Isn't much but yeah. I'm regretful for not being able to go to the zoo with Xiner during this period of time ): DUIBUQI. Haish.

One more day and then...

Me ;)