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Way Out
#92 : Nothing lasts forever.
Sunday, August 26, 20121:22 AM

"Run baby run, don't ever look back, they'll tear us apart if you give them the chance..."

HELLO ALL. Hahahas, haven't been updating recently because I just couldn't find the energy (and time :X) to do so! Hahahaha. Can't believe it. I thought that I would always have time to update my blog about my current life and stuff but oh well hahaha, just proved me wrong there! LOL. Anyway, I have decided to do some 30 day blog challenge thing but I've yet to find the suitable questions .__. Still in process of looking and I shall start in September ;))

>> Thursday: I can't remember what happened in the morning to afternoon because every day feels the same but anyway, there was comptrain after that! (: SMILE SMILE SMILE. Hahahahaha omg. Peiqi, Charlotte and Geena had Chemistry extra lessons until 4:45PM so Lau and I had to kill time from 2:15PM onwards. I was kinda like emo-ing in class because of my Math 2 results and I wanted to do corrections (yeah and then my class people thought I was crazy) 'cause I thought Lau end school at 3:15PM but thank God she came and look for me :D So we went to eat lunch and then we wanted to stone at our usual place but Soong and Keane told us they were coming down to eat too so we waited for them. In the end they scammed us and only came down about one hour later -.- LOL, so they ate while we mugged first-aid and then some classmate of Soong (is he called Bingyang?????) came and then they all gay-ed together. Stupid people HAHA. Then went to the SJ room and the mentors didn't want to let us go in D: After slacking outside, we went in to retrieve supplies and since the rest weren't there yet, the four of us went to fold bandages and pack the first-aid boxes. Time to get people to re-supply all the house boxes and CTC boxes == Buey tahan sia, super messy and all the boxes got unequal amount of supplies. Which brings me back to the point where PLEASE PUT BACK THE SUPPLIES WHERE THEY CAME FROM PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Okay. Then comptrain!! Hahahaha super gay (x Did one case only because only left with one hour training time. Keane was my casualty and then Peiqi & Geena took Ma'am Shi Ting and then Lau took Soong. Kanasai sia, super fail == I almost made Keane die because I didn't know he was suffering from asthma attack and he was holding on to the inhaler!!!! O_O Whatthehell lol. Oh well. I think we forgot a lot about our basics. Time to do checklist for us already ): It's like starting from square one luhh .___. Oh well. Then feedback time...

Mentors didn't want to see our footdrill so we went to practice ourselves. Furthermore we practiced our swift turning and coordination this morning (the three of them w/o me, and then Geena and Lau and me) so we had to coordinate all four of us. CHARLOTTE HURRY GWS AND JOIN US MAN. Nubbad I must say HAHAHA. But still, there's room for improvement (: Then we did a lot of Oppa Gangnam Style stuff LOLOLOL. And we took another v-log! :D We were practicing our commanding since next week is Kimbum then me then Keane then Peiqi ^^ Hahahas...we did Kimbum style commanding WAHAHAHA, super fail. No one get beat his la. Every time also try to act cool. Then we did Oppa Gangnam style dancing and all those shit and people were laughing at us. GG. Our face totally gone. Then after that went home. Reached home at around 8+ .___. LOL. What an epic day.

>> Friday: Not much lessons and stuff since it was Symposium Day (: It was quite okay la. The briefing in the beginning was quite dotdotdot because the speakers just failed to capture my attention L.L Felt quite bad for the speakers because a lot of people were dozing off or talking AISHO. Then my symposium was some SMP thingo. Cheryl Low and Elaine presented ;) Hahaha. Cheryl Low speaks like a machine gun EHHEHHEH. Then in the end was combined lecture with Year 4s which ended the entire Symposium Day! (: Went to class to pack up stuff hahaha, and then went to find the rest :D Then went to change into full-u ): HAIYOOOOOO. Went to give Rachel her birthday present 8) And yepp, we made a date to go out after EOYs! Hahahas, forever the mugger, everything must do after EOY de ;D But it's true la. Need to start mugging already ._. NO TIME. Lunched with Peiqi and Lau because don't know where all the rest ran to. Changed first parade location to MRL so had to update everyone and stuff. First parade went fine hahaha. I didn't fall while doing kebelakang :DD

Footdrill with the kids (: Broke them up into groups and then I took one of the groups with Chua and Zhiyik (: Taught them kebelakang on the march! I hope I was effective in teaching them! I think they did quite well (: I made them watch the other group's footdrill and then comment about it among themselves so that they can actually see the mistakes they often commit. I think it's hard to visualize it until you really see it. Like if your instructor tell you legs ninety degrees and unless you see it, it's hard to know what's ninety and what's not. Then they came out one by one to point out mistakes among their own group but what a pity there was not enough time for everyone to do so DDDDD: Ugh. Then it was squad footdrill and I realise they take VERY big steps when they march so they moved a lot and they had to do many many many kebelakangs xD Hahahahaha. Then the rest went to change and the rest gave debrief which was pretty cool (: Then I went to change with Peiqi while trying to look for plaster for my foot .___. Went down for PT. PT was super duper duper cool okay HAHAHAHAHA. The way the squeezed on the groundsheet super duper duper cool hahahahaha. After entire PT, took squad photo (!!!!!) :D

Corps photo was just like that ._. LOL. I hope it's not too fail because I think our corp is super big and then everyone's face will be the size of an atom or something in the yearbook .__. LOLOLOL. Psssh. Finished clearing up and settling stuff at 7PM and then went to change out. By then everyone was gone already ): Hahahahas. Went to drink drink and watched a bit of the mid-autumn festival and then left school. Pengfei eating chicken rice while being harassed by Lingda (Y) Home home home at almost 9PM (:

>> Today: Slept in until 11+ ;D Hahahas, whole house was empty when I woke up O U O Had lunch with family excluding Mum because she was working again and then came home to sleep after my sister left for her friend's birthday party == Then dinner at Novena Square with my family! (: Jap food LOLOLOL. Then walked around and the place really changed a lot D: Super different now sigh.

Day by day, I'm starting to get tired and worn out by trying so much. You probably won't even understand it because you only look at all the minuscule things and neglect so so so many other aspects. I really am tired. And sometimes when I just find out more than I actually want to know or have something new dumped on me again, I can't help by wonder how much I want all these to end. There's so little time left and I don't know what to do with it. I don't know what to spend it on. Something promising or something rewarding. Something that benefits everyone or something that benefits me. Something that is close to my heart or something just for everyone. Something that I love or something I'm obligated to do. What's happening? I thought it was a shared responsibility. We know how these things are going to turn out yet we willingly let ourselves feel pain as we watch it happen before our very eyes. We don't do anything to stop it because we don't know how. We know that we won't even get anything out of it but because we have to try, we blindly try. Even trying becomes a chore now. It isn't about whether I want to put in effort anymore, it's about me HAVING to put it in without any qualms.

What is recognition? I wonder what does recognition mean to you. To everyone. Is it getting an award for your service? Is it getting popular among everyone because of you service? Is it getting promoted to staff sergeant rank before your other squadmates for your service? Is it hearing "thank you, I appreciate it" from others? Is it hearing your cadets calling you their favourite instructor? Is it passing out and letting people think how much help you've been to them after all these years? Is it being the seniors' or teachers' model junior? What's your definition? Think about it and tell me what drives you on. If I can, I'd give it to you in whatever form.

Kanasai, I'm out of milk at home TT^TT

Okay, haha, shall end of here. Have to sleep early because I have tuition tomorrow 8( Sobs. LOL. Alrighty! Tata~
