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Way Out
#85 : Aigoo
Friday, August 10, 20123:19 PM

"I'm in my dreams..."

What a boring day. As I'm typing, it's only 2:50PM and I'm already bored to death. Mainly because I've been procrastinating about doing proper stuff i.e. studying/cleaning toilet (yeah, Mum's orders)/eating (I haven't had my lunch nor my breakfast and I'm not planning to eat ._.)/some other stuff. I've been wasting my time! HAHA. I was watching Infinite Sesame Player (from episode 5 to episode 7, my progress is reallyyyy slow) and watching random MVs and then I've changed this blog's layout! Yay, look at IU up there as the header (: Wah, she's really damn good k (: Also, for the past one hour or so, I've been trying to read the notes that Pengfei sent me and I wonder why he actually writes them out and scan them rather than typing LOL. Not that I don't appreciate his effort (thanks bro ) but his handwriting is unreadable. I'm about to just cry from it. But nonetheless, thank you all those people who've sent me their notes because I need them. Desperately HAHA.

I suck at singing. I swear.

I can't believe it but NC is coming back again (: Yeppp, our long-awaited come back is finally approaching! I know our competition would probably be high (even though there would be a decrease of competitors) but you never know, some team might just bag the awards we're aiming for. And I'm not just gonna sit there and watch it happen. We lost it once, we're not gonna let it get out of our sight another time. Whatever we're lacking in, we'll do whatever it takes to constantly improve ourselves until we're like "BAAAAAM!". And I hope AA'13 continues having their brotherly spirit all the way until they get Nat Champs hahas. Even though they're forever bickering and forever having cold wars and forever having disagreements, forever gaying, forever whacking each other here and there, forever doing retarded and blur stuff during cases, I know they still love each other very much okay. Hahas, YAY. And then there's our team with our new found identity (for some only la hahaha). We have our dear dear dear Leader Gyu who's not as domineering as the real Leader Gyu (because HEH, I'm the most domineering in the team la blahblahblah) but she has the name la okay LOL. Then we have our aegyo human Peiqi (who's not as cute as Woohyun) but since she's always spreading hearts then fine HAHA. Then we have our "PWAHAHAHA" human (the laugh is almost as epic as Dongwoo's) who laughs like a witch YAY Charlotte. And then that leaves me and Lau with no where to go hahahaha. Nevermind, LAOYING BUDDIES FLY HIGH HIGH. I don't know why I'm so high over such stuff now but yeah, I really want us to win whatever was meant for us.

We're going to be an awesome batch of instructors. Learning from past mistakes. I mean, we've been through all sorts of mentorship from other people. We have the fierce kind, the nice kind, the slack kind, the SIAO kind etc and we're all going to use this to our advantage (: We seek to improve ourselves so that we can motivate others yeah. I learnt yesterday, the difference between a manager and a leader. A manager MANAGES people, but a leader INSPIRES people. This is the kind of thing we're working towards. JIAYOU. Fighting.

I will miss you forever Roofiya...

Okay, I'm quite hungry. Shall cook purple instant noodles for brunch xD YAY. Hahas, can't wait for common tests to be over, I want to go out and play D:
