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Way Out
#83 : Happy National Day ;)
Wednesday, August 8, 201211:37 PM


HAHA, yay using the computer again! :D Lololol, and happy national day to everyone~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! Hehehe, you're 47 now but don't worry, you're still young! *cues 'We Are Young'* (: Okay, suddenly so happy about it being National Day :3

>> SJ ROOM: Hehehe, let's show you this update of the SJ room and this initiative! Hahas, it's damn joke okay:
^ Taa-daa HAHA and now for the cool initiative!

YUP, Styrofoam boxes! TROLOLOL, so that they can move stuff to and fro the SJ room and Log Room at one go. And the boxes are already filled with stuff! O_O From POP hahahas (x Best. Oh well. Okay I don't know what I'm doing, must be too bo liao already -.- Psssh.

>> Tuesday: Math paper some screwed shit -.- Whatever LOL. After school went to slack study at Geena's house! Lololol. Bought gongcha ;) Super long never drink milktea + pearl le sia ): Damn nice 8) Then after that yeah, off to Geena's house! Ended up only doing one question part a) and part b) xD GGfied trolololol. The rest all mugging luh! LOL. Okay can better catch up on work tomorrow or something since I'm not involved in observance parade >< After that went home with Charlotte hahas (: Yay, and Geena lent me her book! Lol. That's all for Tuesday LOLOL.

>> Today: NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATION! Lololol. Went to school, was earlier than on Monday and Tuesday and saw the CS people preparing for their first-aid duty (: LOLOL after that had flag raising and it was super epic to see all the class lines so short because most people were involved in the 3.6km run O_O Hahas. 3.6km so loooong D: After that there was performance in the hall, which wasn't exactly like performance because it was 90% hearing people share about their dreams and stuff. And Ms Vaz ftw~ SO CUTE. And then yeah, after that was the mass run/walk. Obviously we walked heh 8) Walked with Jamie, Jaslyn and Yixin trololol, joker walking la please. Then we were disturbing Staff Diane until she lost her friends xD LOL. In the end we had to run a short distance but it was still weird ._. Prize presentation blahblahblah, then went home with Yixin, ate Macs (so fattening). LOL. Took a 5 hour nap when I came home. GG hahahahahas.

Quite angry now.

These people aren't even real sometimes. Too dreamlike, too dreamlike.

I guess it doesn't matter whether I'm alone anymore. It's great to have people around you, but when you can't relate to them, or when they misinterpret everything you mean, then what's the point anymore? I thought they were supposed to be understanding and supportive, instead I'm scared of whatever they're going to say. So good yet so frightening. What is this.

Ending off here.
