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Way Out
#67: I'm back HAHA.
Wednesday, June 13, 20124:48 AM

"This is crazy..."

Hey guys. I know I have been MIA-ing for like donkey years and it feels great to be blogging again! HAHA. How long have I been away exactly .__. Oh well. Nevertheless, at least I'm blogging again O_O Hehehehe. Well, it is a weird time to be doing so but at least I know I'm doing this in private yeah(: Hahas. Alrighty, shall move on about what has been going on in my life :D

>> Yunnan: Trip started almost right after school breaked off so I guess it was pretty quick. Hahas. Met up in the airport super duper early. I forgot what time actually -.- Heh. Plane ride with Geena was pretty blah because there was a lady about 50+ to 60 with her baby grand daughter in between us so it was kind of dot dot dot ><" Hahas, but she was cute! Lol. Plane ride was pretty short as compared to those I've been on and yeah I didn't eat the plane food. Too tired to actually get up to eat. Lol. After arriving there, had to take another shorter plane ride to another place. (I can't remember all the names of the places!!!) I think it was called Lijiang HAHA. Took a bus. Lol. Stayed over for a night at some creepy inn which I shall not elaborate now L.L *shudders* Next day, took another bus into the village! Hahas, didn't take a photo but this shall sum it all up:
Actually I took that when I was leaving but whatever. Basically, it was really an eye-opener because...you don't see things like that in Singapore, do you? Yup. Many animals strolling around freely, shit every where on the roads (it's like being careful not to step on landmines - horrible). The place where we stayed was really huge. Like, a huge house. And our sleeping quarters was on the 3rd floor and yeah, it's cold in the night hahas. Set up sleeping quarters. Accidentally used the mats meant for the monks D: Oh gawd. I guess we felt really bad ): UGH. Can't remember the specific details but basically it was amazing ((: Had a headache in the evening and was sent up to bed == Ew.

Next day (was it?), went off to kindergarten! My group (Staff Suhan, Sgt Angelina, Charlotte and Meihwa!) was the first group to go there! (: Hahahahs. The kids are so noisy! Lol, one of the reasons why I can't stand them O.O Yeah. But they are cute nonetheless <3 Hahas. Taught them how to sing 当我们同在一起 and 三只老虎~ ^^ Yeah. And then taught them how to brush teeth :DD HEHEHEHE. I demo-ed lol. So I got a free toothbrush (it's green btw!) hahas(: Miss them ): 

Building toilet was tough but yeah, fun all the same. At first it was cold (when you just get outside), but after working for a while, it gets really hot until you have to take off your sweater :O Lol. The cement was really heavy!! And so were the bricks! But I survived :DD HEHE. The toilet was built in 3 to 4 days! (: And the shifu was really like some boss/pro. I bet he can solo finish building the toilet like some boss. Hahas SO ZAI! I still have existing cuts from carrying bricks ): But worth it, worth it(:

^ There was one night when Miss Lim cooked spaghetti and it was Sgt Jiaying's group to set the table and she made some mess out of all the noodles (x AHAHAHAHAHA.

Falling sick there is really horrible ): Unlike being in Singapore, the medicine there you can only consume is the usual panadol or charcoal pills, or medicine brought from Singapore over. And it was cold. REALLY COLD. So it didn't help in any way. Sigh D: How horrible.

We taught them first-aid! ^^

Cultural night was really interesting (: Hahas, even though I didn't get to communicate with the people there really often because I was floating around (as usual) but it was really fun (: Some bad bad bad tyrant gave another boy a nosebleed which was really shocking and bloody ): Considering how I stoned for like 10 seconds just staring at the blood until someone told me to sit down TT^TT Omg. Haish. Totally tired after the entire thing .___.

I forgot when we went back to the kindergarten as an entire group but it was really awesome (: HAHA. Miss Lim was called 香蕉小姐 because of the yellow poncho she was wearing and all the kids from her class took photos with her ;D HAHAHA. Omggg. SHO CUTE. Her face was like "==" bwahahaha <3 Yay. Officially obsessed with UG dance now <3  

We bathed at Banyan Tree one of the days there in the village. Pure bliss to be able to actually be in contact with WARM WATER after so many days. SHIOK. Was gossiping with Meihwa, Charlotte and Sgt Angelina. So epic <3 Good times (:

Left the village ): Miss all the people there a lot ); Stayed in another inn/hotel and yeah. Got lost while out walking and Mr Lim had to go out to find us -.- KILL ME NOW Felt a shitload of guilt >< Ugh. Went out again the next day and WOAH, food:
 ^ Really awesome and delish bread omnomnom ~
 ^ YOGURT! Hahahas, shared with Geena and Peiqi. YUMYUM.
^ With Peiqi and Geena again <:

Went to a lot of places hahas...can't remember them all. I know we went to some primary school, but that was more in the city so it was very different. The school was huge, and the kids were more grown-up and more well to-do so I guess it felt really weird to be teaching them stuff because it didn't feel like they were lacking anything. I mean, the kids in the village, it's very obvious they lack that touch of people because over there, all the grown-ups are pretty much thinking of ways to earn something perhaps. And in a school where everyone's pretty much like THAT, there isn't this personal awareness everywhere I guess. In the city, they are just them and education didn't seem like an issue. To actually be teaching a song or a dance seemed like, an extra. I don't know, just felt weird. And I didn't actually want to talk to them because they're so different. Hmmm...

 ^ Beautiful (:
^ Awesome ice-cream for only S$0.40! <3 

Last two days! Hahas, stayed in this super awesome hotel hahas. Had to share a room with Ma'am ___ (sorry I momentarily forgot her name GAH D:) lol. Weird to be in some hotel because yeah, too long in the village xD 
 ^ LOOOOOOOOOOOK. Okay, random sofa but yeah.
^ Supposed to clean the panda shit but then ended up having like some trip at the zoo O_O So weird.

All in all, the trip was a blast! (: Hahas. I don't know. I guess it just made me more appreciative of the things I have back here at home. All the same, it also made me jealous of some things that they had there as compared to back here too. I mean, there are always things that we get here, and not there but also things that we lack here in our mundane lives but maybe some sparks of difference there. I think it's just the comfort here in Singapore and all the high standards of living that we have that makes us prefer life here. Everything is so easily accessible and we have not much problems with surviving here. But we're not all that free, not all that full of life. Maybe even less here. I don't know, but am I the only one who feel like I'm like a bird cooped up in a restrictive cage? 

>> SNCO camp: Hmm...what to say? Mentally more tougher than JNCO definitely. Lost my voice right on the first day. Still trying to recover D: Hahahas bleh. Yeah, physical wise, it was demanding all the same .____. Just glad that it's over even though I miss the course ): Sigh. All good things have to come to an end hahas.
^ SNCO 2012; that's us :D

Okay yeah, I guess that's about it. I have more things to worry about now, mainly concerning holiday homework, POP, and all the random shit that I've just managed to push away for a while. There's still many things waiting for my attention. Sad, but then again, what did I expect? Oh well. I guess I will try to update as soon as possible again. Can't keep this dead for too long lmao (x I think things may sound better now, or maybe because I've decided to take on a new outlook of all these things happening now. Good or bad, I don't know, but I think I feel better inside. I guess I'll just keep walking on.
