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Way Out
#62 : Shooting stars.
Friday, May 4, 20121:33 AM


LOL, okay. It's late but yeah, I had a power nap not long ago (x

Just finished sending mails and labeling my inbox with all those labels because I thought it'd be easier to find stuff like that rather than scanning through the entire inbox to look for a particular email. Hahahas. And finished my chemistry homework. Lololol. And filled up my travel declaration form ahaha. Supposed to go learn the Community Singing songs thingo but I don't want to sing at one in the morning.

Missed most of morning footdrill with Dactyl D; Xiner was almost late for school 8) AHAHAHA. Lol. Did a bit of timing for slow march ahahaha. Haish, miss doing drills with NC ): Super long never do as a whole team because Charlotte's knee is injured and then Lau always bimbo then don't want to do -.- Haish sian. 3 people how is it a team! D: Oh well. Dactyl footdrill still...hmmm...but nevermind (: They don't need to have perfect drills to show how awesome they are (:

>> PE: Screwed. Siva made us play soccer (as usual) and omg, how tough >( I was playing on the line for the first 3 minute spar and then there he was yelling at me that I shouldn't be stuck at the line and I was thinking "then why isit called playing on the line you ass" .___. Okay, did not help. Then the next match I was the goal keeper (WHATTHEHELL) and yeah Siva kept yelling at me, say I kick too soft ball never travel, throw at the wrong area at the wrong time to the wrong person, blahblahblah. Same thing for the third spar, goalkeeper again and Siva yelling. Haish. I accidentally let ONE goal in (><") but I saved a few okay! Even though it was pretty unglam O_O Tired, very.

>> Lessons: Boring until want to bang wall. Mrs Vora took over Ms Sangeetha and the first lesson was okay I guess. Hahahas, I miss Ms Sangeetha's handwriting trololololol xD Slept in Bio even though I wanted to give face to Mr Han since he only had 30 minutes :/ Chemistry was BLAHBLAHBLAH and I don't want to think about my near failing Chem paper that I would soon be getting.

>> Comptrain: You know, every Dactyl comptrain is near perfect. That's all I have to say(: 

Tomorrow there's Marina Barrage trip!!! :DDD HEHEHEHE. And then there's community singing! ~ Yayyyy :3 SHO COOL. Yay yay yay yayyyy <: 

Okay, that's all. Sian. Sleepy.
