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Way Out
#60 : No, it's not alright.
Monday, April 30, 201211:19 PM

"If happy ever after did exist, I would still be holding you like this..."

HELLO. When was the last time I blogged? O_O I have no idea .__. Alright. Today's a Monday, and yeah surprisingly it didn't feel like a Monday. I don't know why. I'm just being weird.

>> Yesterday: Wasted the entire day practically >< Chiong-ed mugged Chemistry in the night until 1+ and then decided to wake up at 3 to study for Bio. In the end, plan failed because I was too drained and I was tossing and turning ._. Hence, didn't even touch Bio before actually going for exam. Crazy, I tell you. But that's just the way I am anyway -.-

>> Chemistry paper: Maybe it was due to the last minute mugging of the TYS (though TYS is pretty much noob-ish) but I didn't feel that oh-shit-what-is-this kind of feeling when I opened the paper. First time HAHA. 'Cause usually I just screw Chem up like some crap (refer to last year EOY paper and I believe I failed both Chemistry and Physics) but today, I still screwed up but lesser :D HAHAHA. Then after Chemistry paper was supposed to cram Bio with Geena but then we ended up having some illegal meeting with the rest at the staircase O_O Lol, random(: Sgt Jiaying was there too! But she just looked like some invigilator la please zzz ._.

>> Bio paper: SCREWED. The only word to describe it. My interest for Bio has decreased so so so much after taking this paper. Most questions were about enzymes and biological molecules, the two most hated topics of mine which also means the two topics which I touched the least. Not meaning that I touched the rest but hope you get what I'm trying to imply. Therefore, screwed it up TT^TT Flipped the paper like, so many times before finding a part of an entire question that can be attempted. Crapped out one essay question, left the other one entirely blank and the other last one was totally random from my memory D: Alright. Who cares. I'm supposed to be good in Bio because that's what my results showed, but HEH, since when was I good at anything? ==

After school, met up with the rest (again HAHA) and went off to have lunch. Geena and Laoying were spazzing about screwing up Bio WHY ARE YOU GUYS WEIRD while I was just too tired to care about anything actually. Maybe even hungry. Waited for Charlotte and Peiqi (though Charlotte went off in the end) lolololol, camping at the toilet BEST (Y)(Y)(Y) Ms Fang came and asked Geena and I why our ties were off and I swear she's frigging biased (; Ahahahas, she didn't even scold us okay! Lol, but I was kind of no relation to her 'cause she teach Peiqi + Geena + Laoying but she doesn't teach me but I guess she was nice to me because I was with them (x LOL, Ms Fang is epic please xD She's nice actually, when she doesn't catch people ><" Went to KFC hahahas and had lunch there(: Then took train to Tampines with the rest because Laoying wanted to go home and the other two wanted to eat yogurt roflmao. HAHA taaadaaa our yogurt! We shared it! <3 Home-d and then yeah, just random-ed around until dinner. Now, here.

Haven't actually start using my other tumblr account. Lol. Okay.

Mixed feeling about everything that took place in the last few weeks. Trying not to dwell on them but they are impossible to ignore. I knew they would come back and not give my mind a break but some part of me just want these things to come back to my mind because that's all I've really got. And when you're left with fragments of hope, you'll kinda do anything to hold on to them.

Okay, Wednesday = last paper! Hahahas, looking forward to it even though it's Math 2 paper DD: Suck at it ): Anyway, on Thursday there'll be comptrain again! :3 That means seeing Dactyl again ^^ Yay, can't wait! HAHAHA. Oooohlala.
