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Way Out
#59 : Can't breathe.
Friday, April 27, 20121:08 AM


HAHA, if you have the time, please watch the video I made which is easily accessible (right up there! :D). Actually the video was only meant for Xiner, but since I'm lazy and I'm cool so I posted it here. Hahas, the story is lame okay 'cause I'm lame hahahahahaha. Bought the pink tortoise today with Xiner and the yellow one...I had it a long time ago already (x Yay.

So...have been neglecting this blog )): I'm sorry D:

Welcome Common Tests people! :3 Hahahas. I must say that the feel from Year 2 as compared to Year 3 is really different :X Like, more hiong now you know >< Quite sad 'cause I'm a slacker then...yeah >< Everyone all mugging! Had LA and HCL and Lit yesterday. Wasn't up to my expectations or anything and I frigging screwed Lit because I didn't put down any quotes at all! Not like I can remember though zzz. Today was Math paper and yeah...being Math, I screwed it as usual. I really hope I can at least pass :/ Sigh. Next Monday would be Chemistry and Biology! One subject that I love, and the other I hate D: Guess which is which lolololol.

Despite being in 3D (which is supposed to be a slacker class - well, we are slack), all the people inside are seriously zai okay. Like NINJAS. All secretly zai. Damn. Lololol. And as for NC, all of them are good in their studies. I'm probably the worst xD Even Geena is better la obviously. It was just a screw up in her Year 2 GPA nia. Lololol. Oh well, trying hard not to dwell on that -.-

Today after Math exam, was really...stone-ish (?) and so left with Xiner. 'Cause it was still kinda early, we went to Simei HAHAHAHA, and we bought the random tortoises (stupid Xiner!!!) and some snacks and drinks. Hence, BROKE. Xiner went to draw money wtf. And then we went to Tampines. She paid for my pencil case hahahahas and then she bought some badge -.- And we just keep walking around aimlessly. Lol. We were freaking gay. We were talking about how Staff Julius used to have that spring thing on his wallet. Does he still have it now? And that he would use it all the way until he goes into army. And he'll use it to hang his rifle to himself. Just that he has to be more careful, in case the enemy come then it gets stuck or tangled up or something trolololol. HEHEHEHE. Lol, went home, slept all the way 'til 7 thus the energetic me now :DD

Just a three texts long conversation with you made my day. 

Nothing much to say about the past few days. Basically just fail mugging and everything. I'm really ineffective and that has to change )));

^ That's Princess Jiaying and her prince :D

^ The artiste of the album is called "Keane" O_O

^ Hi Geena, my webcam is working now. Lol. This is for you.
